Saturday, January 15, 2011

Queensland Floods - how we can help

If you're an Australian... you know the floods are our main subject topic of late.. if you're overseas... you may have had a glimpse on your news... or perhaps you're none the wiser.

In the north eastern part of Australia... the area called Brisbane, Queensland... areas bigger than France and Germany combined have been flooded.
Luckily all my family from these parts are ok.

So many were not so lucky at all.

So a friend just shared this on facebook and I thought I'd post it here. It's a page that gives plenty of options for those who wish to help.

They're asking for funds to re-build which makes sense.

The overwhelming message from charities and relief funds is that money is the best way to help in a crisis like this.

Here's the page that lists all the donation areas to contact.

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